Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Go slowly, said the blue day

There is so much inspiration to be found in blogs! It seems to be never ending. I always happen to come across new ideas, creations and cute ladies here, so I thought, "Why not start a blog of my own?"

Whereas most girls almost post daily, I just KNOW that I wont get around to doing that. This blog will mostly be for my use to read and comment all the fantastic and inspirational women around here, but perhaps I'll occasionally post a new purchase of mine, a picture, or inspiration that I found. We will see!



  1. Thanks so much for telling me what it's for, makes way more sense than a needle case! You should definitely post some purchases, I'd love to see what you're buying ^_^

  2. I have clicked on to follow as it sound's like an adventure in the making!

  3. Just stumbled across your blog. Welcome to blog land :)


  4. I think you're going to use it far more than you would expect :). It's a lot of fun!

  5. thank you for your sweet comment! :) hope to see you posting again someday! xo
